New Music Review #7: ‘Getaway’ by Bec Sykes

It’s been over a year since Melbourne singer-songwriter Bec Sykes glided into the ears and minds of local music fans with her incredible debut single, ‘Edithvale’.

Her newest song, ‘Getaway’, was absolutely worth the wait.

Sykes is a remarkable talent, in the vein of Gordi, Angie McMahon and Odette.

‘Getaway’ is stunning – it feels like a natural follow up to ‘Edithvale’, building on her already impressive strengths as an artist, but in a way that is fresh and challenging.

There’s a lightness to the production that alleviates and lifts the heaviness of its themes. The gentle, dappling strings gleam softly underneath Sykes’ soulful, melancholic vocal.

And it is an extraordinary voice – her range and control are awe-inspiring, and the performance is haunting and assured.

The result is an emotional, wistful, aching song, that feels both mournful and hopeful all at once.

And a few others:

‘Dreaming’ by Milan Ring: Milan Ring’s voice has always been striking and almost unnervingly cool. But on ‘Dreaming’ she also shows that she’s got bars (an immense flex), and flows over a sparse, jazz-infused beat.

‘Purple Static’ by Mirrors: There’s a full minute of tense, slightly unsettling build up before the first explosive chorus of this track by local metalcore outfit Mirrors, an outpouring of catharsis and anguish that feels all the more powerful for the wait.

‘All My Time’ by Miiesha: A reflective, rhythmic and breathtaking distillation of pain and resilience. Miiesha is a special talent, and her new EP Smoke is simply an extension of her ever-burgeoning reputation as Australia’s rising queen of RnB.


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New Music Review #6: ‘The Sun’ by Aborted Tortoise