Hello! Welcome to my online abode. Hope you like what we’ve done with the place. It’s much less messy than our actual home – our son doesn’t have access to this one.
I am a writer, comedian, podcaster, lawyer, husband, and dad.
I‘ve been writing online since 2014, and started performing stand up comedy a couple of years later. I did a run of solo shows at the Melbourne International Comedy Festival in 2018, and then took a quick four-year break to learn how to be a dad and survive a pandemic. Then jumped back in with both feet.
The last couple of years have been a whirlwind – we travelled Australia in a campervan, I performed stand up all over the country, wrote a new comedy show about the trip, published a book about the Hottest 100, and appeared on television, radio and podcasts. My wife, Sarah, and I also started free diving (not related, just cool). If you want to see some remarkable photos from around this incredible country, check out Sarah Maddox Photography.
I love words. It’s not the nerdiest thing about me, but it is certainly up there. They can be so powerful, so influential, so silly.
Mostly I write about music, movies, sport and pop culture. You know, the important stuff.
Because things don’t have to be “important”, to be super important. Things like sport, music, and comedy are vital elements of the fabric of society.
Each of them can impact the world in a truly colossal way. On an individual level, they can stir something deep within you – joy, despair, love, freedom. On a grander scale, they are what connect us, bringing together communities tethered by shared emotion and experience. They inspire us, providing humanity with countless moving stories and new perspectives. They provide hope. They are uniquely human pursuits. They’re fun.
That’s the stuff I love writing about. Because it’s fun. And it matters.